I have decided to really buckle down and earn some dough in order to right the Norland ship.
Sometimes you just have to Man Up and get er done.
The amount of Overtime that is kicking around this year is absolutely obscene and I have taken just about every shift I can.
I was scheduled to work tonight but pulled the plug early on today due to just downright exhaustion.
I have accepted another four O.T shifts for next week so I thought I'd better just relax and take it easy in preparation for it.
I have never worked this hard and it is making me extremely bitter.
We are still without a contract ( been over two years now ) and we have taken our employer to court over unfair labour practices.
The hearing is tomorrow.
The outcome should be very interesting...and to be honest represents a real crossroads for me.
This country is fucked...and nobody cares.
Our government is so corrupt and out of control that it really is beyond belief...and I am running out of gas fighting the good fight on behalf of people that don't have the guts to stand up for themselves.
I miss my kids...
Today was a good day.
Owen has been watching master chef and has been inspired by it.
Today he asked me if I would help him make Eggs Benedict.
He did 95% of it by himself with very few suggestions by me. To be honest..I probably would've over cooked the eggs without him insisting they come out.
...They were perfect!!
That kid is something else.
Ella has finally learned how to ride a bike.
It took her forever , and it was really starting to get on her nerves... (and mine )..
I should've forced the issue a long time ago maybe..but either way...the training wheels are off...and she is so proud!!
I am proud to...I am even proud of myself.
This summer represents a terrible sacrifice for the benefit of these people I am responsible for....but that is my role and I am getting it done.
I am shooting for 30 O.T shifts and should be there about the 1st or 2nd week of Sept.
I missed the moment when Ella finally eschewed the training wheels, conquered her fear and began to ride....
Trying really really hard to forgive myself..
I was working an O.T shift...for an employer that is corrupt, and for a public that doesn't give a shit, at a job that I have really grown to despise...
Norlands Chrome from Brian M on Vimeo.
Fall can't come soon enough.