Step two...

The next phase of online self indulgence.
I made the mistake of monkeying around with my original BLOG located here and ruining it.
I am useless.
I am starting over..and here we go.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Wee Little Break

I have been working a ton of Hours lately...and most of that has been at "straight time"...ugh...
The schedule I am on is loaded heavy in spots and I am right in the thick of it now.

 The cushy end was back a few weeks ago and it was wasted with illness...both mine and the kids...very bad timing indeed.
Today was the first day of a two day break for me. It feels good ..really good.

 The weather has turned however with a little more seasonal temps. I woke up this morning to the wind howling out of the North. Living out on the lake is very cool in this regard.
 Sometimes I will roll in to the driveway after a day at work...kill the engine and just sit and listen to the waves crashing in down at the beach which is only a stones throw away.
A very unique situation that I will hopefully never take for granted. It probably is adding years to my life.
Today 'the sea was angry my friends'

 Kim was teaching today which is awesome...we could use the dough..and also because it leaves me with Ave. Ave loves spending time with me but only if Mom is not around.

I can't blame her because I prefer Kims company over my own as well.

 These little fun days with Avery are limited now...I know this... I saw it with Owen and even Ella...the trips to the Animal Farm and such are losing their lustre with everybody but me it seems.

This , I suppose is normal..but so is the sadness watching it go knowing that this is it.

Today the game was feed the Geese and then on to the french fry trucks under the bridges.

Well the trucks decided to stay home due I am sure to the rippin wind coming off Lake Huron so we went to Alberts Store Front french fries.

This is a funky place that has it all.

The basket of breaded shrimp with fries and Malt vinegar is so good that it is perverse!!!

Avery and I had a blast and I have plans to meet up with a good friend tonight to play some music.

 Gary and I haven't seen each other in ages so it will be nice to tip a beer with him at the very least.

I have very little interest in fishing right now even though they are having a banner year here under the bridges with the Steelhead return.

 Looking out at the lake has me yearning for some trolling however and Gerry should be home in a week or so. One more push at work and then I can breath.
 The tax return dough came in and I am ready to pull the trigger on a new guitar...I just haven't decided which direction to go. My 43rd Bday is right around the corner and I think I will go ahead and treat myself...fuck it.

 Life is too short not to.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

This is kinda funny..

Here is something that is pretty funny... It reminded me of a conversation Morin and I had this past weekend about Canadians invading Florida. Nothing like the smell of back bacon in the morning...smells like victory

Heavy Cat..

Man ...what a gift to humanity this guy is... Listening to him makes me think that there is hope...alive...somewhere... This might be one of the greatest collections of musicians ever..

Monday, March 12, 2012

At least I saw the Woodpecker

There are some giant woodpeckers over on the west side of is hell being a tree by the looks of it.

I had a rough go the past few days and so did little Ave.

We both have some kind of bug. Mine was augmented by some poor choice of Libation.

Kim had her into the doctors again last night just to be sure but the word is that it is a virus ...and a bad one that  is working its way through the city..

Very annoying...

One wee little fish and a glimpse into the Michigan Spring Steelhead freakshow....not for me but good times none the less.

Good to be home.

Owen and I shared a Tim Hortons Breakfast Sandwich today down at the waterfront only about 100 metres from where he got his winning salmon in last years derby.
That was awesome and we are looking forward to it again...I do have my owes me nothing.

Ave managed to keep some toast down this morning...fingers crossed.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Chet Baker and Rene Thomas

This is a very cool Jazz album.

This thing was on regular rotation for me back about ten/fifteen years ago but then my tastes changed and I started moving in a different direction musically.

I rediscovered this disc this morning and it is cool when that happens.

Kinda brings me back to how I was feeling during that time period and also I can kind of hear the Rene Thomas influence in the way I play now.

It's also very cool how that happens.

When learning to play Jazz listening to great recordings is sort of like taking a lesson from them as much as enjoying the musical offering...

Through the exposure to great players you just sort of soak it in and wait for it to resurface. Some times it's very subtle and very gradual as well.

Rene's playing was way ahead of his time and his influence can be heard in quite a variety of players that are doing it today.
I found his best playing on these Italian recordings with Chet Baker and I don't know how many times I listened to this recording.....

Here is their version of the classic ballad

These Foolish Things 

That is a standout cut but the other tracks are pretty cool as well.

The whole recording is dynamite really.

I sat down today and made a recording of this jazz classic as well in order to post it on a Jazz guitar forum I frequent..

These Foolish Things (my version)