Step two...

The next phase of online self indulgence.
I made the mistake of monkeying around with my original BLOG located here and ruining it.
I am useless.
I am starting over..and here we go.

Monday, January 30, 2012


Well Ave and I had the afternoon to ourselves and I was going a bit stir crazy so we headed out.
She is a tough little kid and loves being outside.
 Yesterday we spent the majority of the day outside playing in the rare bit of substantial  snow that we have seen.

 I even had a chance to try out my new snowblower....which is soooo awesome!

The older I get the less my back is diggin the shovellin act so this is definitely a step in the right direction. A 45 minute job that would have me reaching for the advil now takes 5 minutes tops...
Awesome Christmas gift.

We thought about ice fishing but my auger was locked up at Brians place and I wasn't really prepared.

Too bad because Ave was kind of jacked about it and this could've been our only shot of the year.

The forecast has the temps up to +8 tomorrow which is going to be really messy ...just a crazy winter.

Tubin on the hill was another option and we had a ton of fun together. .
I think I bought that goofy thing for about $30 at Walmart and we have gotten a lot of great use out of over the past two or three years.
Good way to spend the afternoon.

Morin and I are trying to hammer out a fishing trip but the schedules just don't seem to be matching up. I am completely out of leave this time of year and it makes it pretty tough.
I may have to break down and book a trip solo...or I could just hold off til spring.

What I should be doing is taking a bunch of overtime and socking away some dough but I just don;t have it in me even remotely.

Funny ...even though this winter has been pretty easy I still have found myself in that late January early February BLAH state where I really don't want to do fuck all.

The fresh air was nice down by the water today though and Ave is always a hoot to be around.

Next weekend I am off for my annual firearms re-cert.
 I have been shooting it really well of late so it should be stress free. The hardest part for me is just spending time around the gun nerds.
Some of the instructors are outstanding but inevitably you run across the John Waynes and that shit makes me really tired.

The shooting itself is ...or should be fun.
Kind of like throwing darts only way louder..and smellier.
Our workplace always finds a way of ruining everything with over the top tightassedness ...
Oh well,..
Two days away in a hotel with meals covered...that will be easy to take.
I should even be able to watch the Superbowl uninterrupted...imagine that.


  1. "Kind of like throwing darts only way louder..and smellier"
    Butt darts no doubt ther Zed! Git the Gimp!!

    There will be plenty of time to ice fish when you are dead. Until then enjoy the Mexican Winter. And thank Jerry for me for buying you that Snowblower and putting an end to winter for us all.

  2. Death is an eternal ice fishing trip?
    Could be worse I suppose.
    Ave and I are flying solo today so it could be another trip to "The Mountain"

    Man I need a kick in the cunt...I could barely get out of bed this morning...maybe I have mono

  3. Nothing beats fun with the kids!!!

    No need to book a solo fishing trip there shitstain, our days off midweek seem to gel a bit and I would like nothing better than to laugh at you for a day or two!!! Maybe a trip to Simcoe?????

    Shoot 'em straight there buddy!

  4. Absolutely... I am in for that ...let me get this coming weekend out of the way and we'll plan something
