Step two...

The next phase of online self indulgence.
I made the mistake of monkeying around with my original BLOG located here and ruining it.
I am useless.
I am starting over..and here we go.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Gift Horse

Well I have been out fishing but had my hands too full to take pics.

Had the kids over to Brian's pond to chase the Bluegill through the ice.
No Blue Gill but we got about a dozen Jumbo Perch in just about an hour or so.

Tons of fun!!

I really enjoy doing that sort of thing and hopefully next time I will be able to document it a little bit.

It has been supremely cold and wintry out but the Weekend has turned out to be a great time with the family.

Yesterday Ella and I went to out to a co workers Stable to take a look at her horses.

I had mentioned to Sally that Ella has taken an interest in horses and Sally was quick to invite us

I am not a big fan of big animals and I am always a bit over protective with the kids so when Sally suggested to Ella that she go for a ride I had mixed feelings.

I did managed to put aside my phobia and  relax.

013 from Gene Norland on Vimeo.

Great moment for Ella that I am sure she'll never forget.

Also, a great excuse to get out of the house as well and away from the cell phones and gadgets.

Today we took Rube for a long walk down the Howard Watson trail as a family and it was just beautiful.

Tough walking in the deep snow and we are all tired. Ruby is out cold in the front room.


As per usual I bought myself my own Christmas present this year. The kids wrapped it and I pretended to be surprised.
It was a super deal off Amazon and I couldn't resist.

It is a Looper pedal called a "Ditto" made by TC electronics.

I am just nicely starting to get into it and I plan on using as mainly a practice tool more than anything.

So far it has provided me with proof that I have some serious Metre issues!!

Which is me something to work on.

My New Years resolution is to play music  more...spend more time with the family and  most importantly not to give a shit about work...

So far I am off to a good start!!


  1. Do everything you can to follow through on your resolution!

  2. Do everything you can to follow through on that resolution!
