Step two...

The next phase of online self indulgence.
I made the mistake of monkeying around with my original BLOG located here and ruining it.
I am useless.
I am starting over..and here we go.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Inspiration When I Need It Most

Brad Meldau is one of the most interesting and heaviest dudes on the planet currently.

 He is one of those guys that is so good its a little bit scary. I am sick..yet again...this time projectile vomiting ala "Exorcist" style...

 Very frustrating...however it has given me a chance to sit around snd listen to some cool music. This video is of Meldau's Trio taking a run at an old pop tune...Paul Simon's 50 ways to leave your lover

 Unbelievable.. I usually cringe when the heavies lower themselves to mainstream repertoire but this is actually pretty cool... I may actually breakdown and buy the disc...

 I hope Paul Simon does too.

'Make a new plan Stan...'


  1. Man this shit makes me want to ride an elavator or shop at Macy's or better yet cut my nadds off and sit in iodine...

    50 ways to be a POS!

  2. There is no hope for you is there??...maybe he'll do a duet album with James Hetfield or whoever that douchebag is you worship you philistine piece of garbage...sad
