For the past two or three years I have been promising myself a little treat as the winters months recede. The dangling carrot to reward myself for surviving yet another year full of compromise and the frustration of working a job that is most assuredly destroying my soul.
It doesn't have to be musically related but it has been for the most part.
I plan on doing my taxes this coming week and that will usually give me about a grand in mad money more or less.
I am leaning towards a new guitar.
As a matter of fact I have been obsessing over a Gibson Les Paul.
I have been scouring the Kijiji oceans for a good deal and, more to the point , distracting myself from the realities of a never ending vicious winter.
Guitar Porn my co workers call it...and that is a perfect term. Titillation that is completely unreal and of no real long term value.
..but much fun
Bit of an issue though this year.
I get it into my head that I need a Les Paul to feel whole.....but then I play one.
The thing is I don't really like them...and I never have.
I love the idea of them...but they are heavy , cumbersome and crazy expensive for a really good one.
It could be that I may actually have to buy one in order to completely break the spell....
There is another possibility.
The first real guitar I ever owned was a Butterscotch blonde Fender telecaster.
An ICON of the music industry...right up there with the Gibson Les Paul in terms of Ubiquity and importance.
One of the fondest memories I have involves the purchase of this guitar.
I was very young and I was waiting to be picked from the music store where I was taking guitar lessons.
My teachers name was Steve Dumont...I am surprised I remember that
I should never underestimate the value and influence a good teacher has whether it be music or any other discipline.
There is something sacred about the passing of knowledge..especially art.
..anyway ..there I sat..waiting...staring up at a wall of recently delivered Fender telecasters...GLOWING!!!.....AHHHHHHHH!!!!! (lol)..
I had been banging away on some POS no name brand and I had gotten just about as far as I was going get with that particular was holding me back. mother showed...and saw this want and I think recognized this need and without hesitation said , "pick out the one you want"
I will never forget that.
It means more to me now than it did then...and it meant at least everything to me then.
We couldn't afford it but she just made it happen with no guilt trip or anything of the like.
Like anything I grew out of it. I don't know where that guitar is but I hope it is being played by some young kid with dreams and imagination.
So on to today...
My Kijiji ramblings find my way on to this ad
Very sexy...very sexy indeed...
And after a wee bit of research..grossly over priced. The music store in town has one exactly like this for sale , brand new , for $850.oo...
It would kind of be like buying back my soul...and that idea is not without a certain nostalgic appeal to this old fart.
That coupled with the fact that I am currently just LOVING my main guitar and also the fact that a Telecaster is a complete departure makes this choice a front runner...
...but I am a fickle bitch...
We'll see. The wind may yet turn...or the furnace may break...
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