I am being tested....
I am always being tested!!!
Actually...things are pretty good.
Puppy is awesome. we're getting so that we can trust Ruby to just be with us and then go to the door if she needs to go outside.
This is happening way earlier then I expected it to and I am so pleased with that!!
Everybody is on board with the Dog.
I even saw Kim scooping up some Dogshit the other day!
It was a great move for us..so far...knock on wood.
I am right on the edge of three weeks off work. I just have two more shifts to go...tomorrow and the next day.
April first was the start of the new fiscal so my leave bank has been replenished...this is awfully tempting.
It has been a long winter and I have already used a couple of 'Family Related' leave submissions and an impromptu Vacation day.
I had booked a bunch of time off for the salmon Derby which is scheduled to start this coming Friday.
Gerry, Owen and I are all jacked up to fish it but the weather has been a complete disaster.
It is always a crap shoot and this year it is coming up snake eyes.
The past two nights have seen freezing temps over night and the prospects of trolling at day break in the middle of the lake in this shit are way less than appealing.
It is not so much the cold but the waste of time...
I don't think the water has warmed up enough to bring the Salmon in or get them going.
With this early spring fishery waster temp seems to play a crucial role and we are going to be dodging icebergs out there this year.
Usually by now we've had few reports and can start to strategize about where we are going to concentrate our efforts but literally nobody has been out yet.
The North wind has been blowing like crazy and the water is a wonderful chocolate milk colour.. which means we'll have to run way out to get into some clarity....but that will take us into even colder water..
Oh well...there is always the rivers..and the guitar...and the yardwork...
Either way it will be nice to be away from work.
Music wise I have been working on these two tunes this week.
I have been craving playing with other musicians but every time I go to pick up the phone something comes up..may have to force the issue.
Don't lie...you have been craving the c@ck!