Step two...

The next phase of online self indulgence.
I made the mistake of monkeying around with my original BLOG located here and ruining it.
I am useless.
I am starting over..and here we go.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Day Six

And what a difference a day makes...

I actually had that old standard going through my head today while the rods were popping!!

Today we were 9 for 14. The highlight and lowlight being a 9 lb hen Steelhead that was like a Ballistic Missile.
She fought her heart out...but nothing goes back during the Salmon ON SENIORS DAY!!!

I was consoled the minute she started spewing beautiful eggs all over the back of Gerrys boat!!

..Big water bonus!!!

This should keep me from mooching from Morin for at least a month or so.


Gerry was all concerned that the fish was going to lose the precious weight needed to win him the Seniors prize!!
I had other thoughts and searched around frantically for a Ziplock baggie.
So Awesome.

Today we found warmer water right in tight to the beach.....and I mean tight.

We never ventured out farther than 10 ft and on some passes past the point I thought that our shoreside inline board was going to beach itself.

Strange ..but that is where the fish were.

All decent fish but nothing on the board.

Owen is still leading the kids category. He is praying hard for a weekend

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