Step two...

The next phase of online self indulgence.
I made the mistake of monkeying around with my original BLOG located here and ruining it.
I am useless.
I am starting over..and here we go.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Hogsback Heaven

I have a very strange love hate relationship when it comes to my job...

However..every now and then...

I showed up for work today and the first things that I usually do is check my mailslot.

Today it was stuffed with an interoffice package.

My friend Vietch at work has been going on and on about this beer out of Ottawa called Hogsback lager.

Vietch is an avid beer drinker and knows his shit...

I was intrigued..

He had assured me that it would be the best beer I have ever tasted...

When it comes to beer.. I keep my mind and my options open.
I tried to track this beer down but it was almost impossible. The local LCBO couldn't keep it in stock...??!!
Even more intrigued!!!

Well today my brother brought me in a beer and left it in my mailslot....and ...hold the presses...this thing most definitely makes the top five...
Thats two new top five beers in the past year if I count the Erieau Lager...

Beer is a gift from heaven and this one is another gem.

Cheers to me.

There was a second item in the package...proving that all my friends have a perverse sense of humour..


  1. You have a love crave relationship with the cock!

    Now go re-invert your dogs snatch-o-la...

  2. Beers and Queers...You love them both!
