Step two...

The next phase of online self indulgence.
I made the mistake of monkeying around with my original BLOG located here and ruining it.
I am useless.
I am starting over..and here we go.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


 Were getting there..

It is thanksgiving weekend.

The bird will be served tomorrow at the in-laws and we are all really looking forward to it.

Bit of a chill in the air this morning...and it really did not heat up that much during the day either.

I did my usual 5 km run this afternoon and just about froze to death when I hit the lake portion. had to change my route a little bit just so I didn't die of exposure.

Speaking of running....

Owen has been training for his city wide cross country event which is held  a week from today.

He assures me that he is ready.

Ella is competing for the first time as well with the really young kids. She is excited.

Its pretty cute...she wants to follow in Owens foots steps.

Today we went down to Canatara Park and walked the route the kids will be running next week just so they don't get lost.

Owen has a 2.5 km run to do which is nothing for him.

There is a 5 km run the following day in London Ont that he and I may compete in... I have almost talked myself into it.... I just dont want to come in last...

 Owen won it last year...adults included.

We did the arena thing this morning for the first time this fall.

Now both girls are in skating...ugh....but even that helps me realize just how close we are....

Few little rain showers here and there but not enough to really get the fish moving  but I am sure they are ready...and so am I..

I may have even found a deal on a wading jacket...good old Cabelas

1 comment:

  1. Soon! There even may be a remote chance of rain on the horizon. May be...
    That jacket you were looking at isn't available through my dealio connections so sieze the Cabela's opportunity...You could always wear the box the Weber came in ;0)
