Step two...

The next phase of online self indulgence.
I made the mistake of monkeying around with my original BLOG located here and ruining it.
I am useless.
I am starting over..and here we go.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

River Cure


Well work has a been a real bummer lately and I needed a day on the water.

Morin and I decided to force the issue on our Huron Tribs.

The home river is showing signs but needs another couple of splashes before it starts to really become home again. It was a no go today and will be until some more rainfall.

On a whim we decided to branch out a bit and fish some water neither of us had ever explored on a river neither of us are very fond of.

We've always a had great success when we leave our comfort zone and today was no exception.

Sunday...low water..early on in the season and no previous experience had me raising very little in terms of expectations.

The surprise in store for us was nothing short of surreal.

No pressure..beautiful weather..nice water feet away from where we parked and a bunch of hot October fish help to us usher in the Fall Steelhead Season ...and more importantly for me help me leave works bullshit behind me and realize once again what is really important.

Beautiful colours out there today...just beautiful.

Healthy strong fish ...success on new water to be filed away as one of our plan B options when things get stale.

It is amazing just how far up those fish will go in a very short period of time...even with what little water we've had fall on us.


Lots of jumps and even the small fish fought like stink.

Good on em..

If we get some rain this week like the weather man is calling for I may just have to kick er into high gear.

Good call Morin..and thx for the fish and POS...and the roe...and the BBQ advice..and the splitshot...bla bla fucking bla...why do hang out with me again??



  1. Great day. You had to know it was going to be killer or absolutely shit! No inbetweens... Man I love it when things work out for the good guys.
    Buddy will be shocked when I talk to him at work tomorrow. I don't think he has any idea. LOL! I will have to dial him in on that and pay it forward.

    Tell Stan "knock knock" tomorrow...
    2012 the world ends...probably gonna be your year and then we all die! Fitting... I think I'll just watch you put the clinic on all season. ;0)

  2. Excellent Gene. Great to see that chrome. Grat rewards for great risks.

  3. Thx Gil..good luck this year...lots of rain in forecast.
    Here we go

  4. You've got to love it when a new discovery pans out like that! Awesome!
